Provisional Government of Easway

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The Provisional Government of Easway, officially the Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway Alliance (OSEA); Ez: liydoqe Chaape lei Hervicourei vi Ezerrye (CHE); Nr: Ouroboros Slanger i Jarneg Allianse (OSJA); Ru: Уроборос Змеи Эзерии Союз (УЗЭС, romanised UZES); was the authority that ruled the Mainland of Easway on Bear Island between the three year period of independence in late 2017 to the establishment of the Directorial Federation Constitution of Easway in early 2020. Founded by Easwegian nationalists, it was led as a non-partisan guided democracy through the Mainland Council, headed by Chief Curator Emizerri.

The provisional government was established 19 December 2017 after the bloodless Easwegian Revolution (began 24 November 2017) and succeeded the semi-underground Cyber Council Easwegian Alliance. During the government's existence, its focus of claims laid solely with Bear Island, an island in the south of Svalbard, the Barents Region.

Heavily influenced by Indonesian president Sukarno's guided democracy, Turkish president Atatürk's statism and secularism, post war Korea's people's committees and Sun Yat Sen's Three Principles, the OSEA outlawed all political parties and its executive revolutionary operated throughout most of its existence directly accountable to village institutions known as the people's committees. With Easway being a multi-lingual country, much work was undertook to promote multi-ethnic Easwegian nationalism.

Flag of the Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway Alliance

Operating through the national motto of 'in co-operation we stand', the OSEA maintained the official philosophy of 'sovereignty, prosperity, co-operation', shortened to SOPROCO or SPC.

Mainland Council

The Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway Mainland Council (OSEMC), commonly referred to as the Easwegian Revolutionary Council, was the executive and supreme court body during the existence of the OSEA. It was established pre-revolution on 5 November 2017 as the immediate successor of the Cyber Council and disbanded on 14 January 2020 with the ratification of the Directorial Federation Constitution. Throughout its existence, Emizerri served as its head with the title of Chief Curator.

The OSEMC served as a non-partisan united front and commanded the Provisional Government through edicts, independent from legislative confirmation. Its members were answerable to the direct-democratic Mainland People's Committee and its actions to the National Electoral Commission. Political parties remained outlawed throughout the entire existence of the OSEMC and its members had to instead swear allegiance to the Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway. In Easwegian nomenclature, Serpents are the people devoted to the Easwegian national movement.

The composition of the OSEMC underwent three iterations and its criteria for membership changed as such, but generally it contained the following members: the head of state, the head of government, top-level department secretaries, the head of the highest subdivisions of the Mainland, and the highest-level security chiefs.

People's Committees


Easway is a micronation that places its borders in the high north region of the Barents Sea. The Easwegian people place their roots from various people, but specifically of Pontic-Caspian-Khazar, Norwegian and Pomors roots, who claim to have first identified as Easwegians in the 15th century. Through Norwegianisation the Easwegian identity was supressed in the early 19th century and again by Sovietisation in the 20th.

The OSEA was founded on 5 November 2017 as an advocacy group for Easwegian independence and further autonomy for Svalbard and integration with the Barents region. It succeeded the Cyber Council Easwegian Alliance, which was created in October 2015, coinciding with perceived authoritarianism of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat and planned expansion of far-eastern Pomors capital Vardø's GLOBUS, a NATO built radar system alleged to be used in increased militarisation of the sub-arctic. Throughout 2017, the Cyber Council along with many others had appealed to Norway to dismantle the GLOBUS system. In response, the Norwegian foreign minister Børge Brende dismissed diplomatic meetings, before abandoning his post for the lucrative position as President of the World Economic Forum, a private global organisation in service to the largest corporations in order to influence national governments.

The pre-revolution Cyber Council criticises Børge Brende and his diplomatic failures in Vardø