Western Antarctica Sector

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Western Antarctica Sector
General information
Sector founded11 May 2023
Sector founded byAksanin President Taylor
Nations in area17 active and incactive
Organisations in area Eintrachtian Commonwealth
Antarctic Micronational Union
Commonwealth of South Pacifis

The Western Antarctica Sector, simply also called Westarctica Sector or WAS is a sector located in the western antarctic ice shelf and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Western Antarctica Sector has over 15 micronations Antarctic micronations, which all overlap borders with other micronations in the sector.

The Western Antarctic Sector is considered a sub-sector to the Antarctic sector. The Western Antarctic Sector is known as a sub-sector because it is western part of the area of the Antarctic sector. The Western Antarctic Sector is the sister sector to the Eastern Antarctic region, which has the other half of Antarctic sector but not a actual sector or sub-sector.

WAS Flag

The Western Antarctica Sector has its own flag, with the Flag of Antarctica, True South design in a shield with the text "W A" on both sides of the northern half of the compass in the southern half of the shield. The northern half of the shield has a continent of Antarctica and a star on a UN blue background under the text WESTERN ANTARCTICA.

It is truly unknown how many nations are in the Western Antarctic Sector, as so many become disbanded or new micronationalists make new ones.

Brief History

Pre History

The first major micronation in western Antarctica called Westarctica was established on 2 November 2001 by Duke Travis I, 5 years later ASEA was founded on 21 December 2006. The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis would be founded in 4 September 2008, named for the oldest latin name of Flanders, located inside of Westarcticas claims of Marie Byrd Land.

No more western micronations would be founded in the 2000's-2010's, the next would be founded in 2013 both in the west[1] and east[1] of Antarctica called the United Republic of Air Kingdom and Kolili.

The next Western Antarctic micronation would be founded on 2017 as the Penguins Republic which would later become the Empire of Eintracia, before collapsing and becoming 2 states called the Eintrachtia and Aksana.

The most 2 recent states founded are the Grand Principality of Belakray and Republic of Aksana, both on 25 August but different years, Belakray being 2021, and Aksana being 2022.

Sector founding

The Western Antarctica Sector was founded on 11 May 2023 by the Republic of Aksana President Taylor to help better sort the antarctic sector to help better sort Antarctica with a smaller sector. The Western Antarctic Sector was given its first flag on 13 May 2023.

List of micronations

The following list of nations in Western Antarctica

Flag Emblem Name Official full name Area Founded Status
Aksana Aksana Republic of Aksana 134,156.204 km2 25 August 2022 Active
Adelaide Republic of Adelaide Unknown 10 June 2013 Inactive
N/A Atlean Antarctica Unknown 8 March 2014 Defunct
Antarctica Federated Republic of Antarctica 14,200,000 km2 18 February 2023 Unknown
Antarctica Federated States of Antarctica 14,200,000 km2 25 January 2009 Defunct
ASEA Confederation of the Antarctica's Elain of Atilnia 4.409.400 sq km 21 December 2006 Inactive
N/A Air Kingdom and Kolili United Republic of Air Kingdom and Kolili Unknown 19 July 2013 Inactive
Belakray Grand Principality of Belakray Unknown 25 August 2021 Active
Campinia Principality of Campinia Unknown 20 December 2000 Defunct
Denisia Territory of Denisia Unknown 8 January 2021 Territory of Empire of Kapreburg
Eintrachtia Eintrachtia Kingdom of Eintrachtia 725,000 km2[citation needed] 30 May 2017 Active
Grand Duchy of Flandrensis Flandrensis Grand Duchy of Flandrensis Unknown 4 September 2008 Active
Westarctica Westarctica Grand Duchy of Westarctica 1,605,948.6 km2 2 November 2001 Active
West Antarctica State of the People of West Antarctica Unknown 10 December 2009 Inactive


Rossland Principality of Rossland Unknown 11 May 2022 Inactive
Latveria Antarctic Territory of Latveria Unknown 27 July 2022 Province of Latveria
Nixland Federal Commonwealth of Nixland 340,000 km2 20 June 2014 Inactive
N/A Smint Republic of Smint Unknown 2010 Defunct
Stabilitan Antarctic Territory 4.5 km Unknown Simulationist
Dadizele Republic of Dadizele Unknown 5 May 2018 Active
Paloman Antarctic Islands Unknown 8 January 2021 Territory of the Free Socialist State of Paloma
Principality of New Lubenia
Ross Icebergs City
Unknown 1 August 2020 Active
Decracy of Vilthia
Protectorate of Vega
Unknown 10 July 2007 Unknown
